My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Chapter 114

19 The Elven Kingdom

+8 Point

19 The Elven Kingdom

Lily POV

We have been traveling for two days. The closer we get to the Elven Kingdom, the more restless Ariel gets. I know it's not possible, but I swear I even felt a dull pain on my back and stomach that wasn't my own. A knock on my hotel room door has me sitting up in bed. I grab my phone to check the time. I hadn't realized it was already nine. I throw the blankets off and make my way over to the door.

I check the peephole and when I see its Grant, I open the door not even realizing I'm still in my boy shorts and tank top. His eyes move over my body and I growl. When his eyes snap up to mine he has the good sense to look embarrassed. "Sorry, Lily, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. You are a beautiful woman, but I know you are on this journey to find your mate. Forgive me for ogling you," he says.

I can see the sincerity in his eyes. He has been nothing but respectful since the weirdness in the SUV the day we left the pack. "It's fine, Grant, as long as you remember, we are just friends The whole point of this trip is to find my mate." "Of course, we are just friends. Again I'm sorry Lily. I would never want to make you feel uncomfortable. I want you to find your mate and be happy" he says.

"I appreciate that Grant. What did you need?" "Liam asked me to come get you so we could eat breakfast and get on the road. We should be able to reach the realm by tomorrow." "Alright, let me get dressed and I'll be right down." The ring on Grant's hand catches my eye. It's a silver band with a red strip in the middle. The red stone almost shimmers against the light. Before I can ask him about it, he heads down the hallway.

"I don't like him looking at us like we are his next meal," Ariel says. "It's harmless, Ariel. He apologized, so just let it go. Besides, he knows that we can kick his a** if he makes a move or us." I grab my bag and head into the bathroom. After I quickly shower and dress, I head to the elevator. When I reach the lobby, I hand in my key and head to the dining room. I scan the

room and find Liam and Grant sitting in a booth. When I slide in next to Liam I can't help but smile when I see a huge pile of waffles covered in strawberries and whipped cream.

"Thank you, Liam, for ordering my favorite."His eyes meet Grant's and something passes

between them. "What was that look for?" "Grant ordered it before I had the chance," Liam says.

My eyes meet Grant's and he just smiles. "I figured it was your favorite because you eat it almost every day in the pack dining room," he says. I push the feeling of unease away at the kind gesture. Ariel is making me paranoid. Grant is a friend. "Thank you, Grant." I dig into my



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19 The Elven Kingdom

Once we are all finished, Grant offers to pay. Liam and I make our way out to the car. As soon as we slide inside, Liam looks at me in the mirror. "I think that kid has the hots for you." "Why

do you sound so shocked that he has a crush on me? I think it's harmless. He knows the

whole point of this trip is to find my mate."

"I am shocked, but it's not for the reason you think. You are a beautiful young woman. I just didn't think you were his type," Liam says. "What the hell does that mean?" "I've seen Grant

flirting with other men in the pack" he says. I look at him, but before I can say anything, Grant slides in next to me. "Let's get going so we can get you to your mate" he says. My eyes meet Liam's in the mirror before he pulls out. The Next Day

"I still don't understand how you will know when we arrive if you've never been there, and you can't see it," Grant asks. "Part of my powers as the Red Wolf is a connection to not only wolves but all supernaturals. I can feel the kingdom like a heartbeat. It gets stronger the closer we get. We will need to use the goddess's gifts now. We can't chance being seen or

discovered before we reach the castle."

I slide my ring on my finger and Grant's eyes get big. "Holy sh*t, I was not expecting that. You look completely different." I can't help but giggle. "You will too. Didn't you look at yourself after Mindy gave you the bracelet?""No, I didn't. I trust her, so I didn't see the need," he says. Liam slips his bracelet on and I smile. His hair is the same red as mine. "Now at least when you call

me Red it will make sense to everyone else," say. He looks like he could be my father.

I turn toward Grant as he slips his bracelet on next. Besides his pointy ears, his changes aren't as drastic as ours. "How do I look," he asks. "It's a little disappointing. You look basically the

same with pointy ears!" "Well, thanks a lot for that" he says with a smirk. "You know what I meant. I would like to have seen you with flaming red hair and freckles."That would not be a good look for me. On you it's cute but on us not so much" he says, pointing between him and Liam. 

"Speak for yourself. I am handsome either way," Liam says. I throw my head back and laugh. I notice a sign for a national park up a head. "Liam, I think we need to go there and Ariel agrees." We drive a few more miles and Liam pulls off into a parking area. Without a word, I grab my bag and start to follow a trail. With every step, the heartbeat that seemed muffled

becomes stronger and clearer.

As we walk, tingles begin to dance on my skin. When we reach what can only be described as an open field of wild flowers, my body begins to feel hot. Ariel pushes forward and words I've never spoken spill from my mouth. It doesn't take long for what can only be described as a massive wall to appear from nothing. I turn around needing Liam and Grant to tell me they see 2/4 

19 The Elven Kingdom

it too.

They both nod before I turn back. "Ariel, how do we get in?"""Place your hand on the wall and allow our magic to flow through your fingers. Think about a door with a lock and a key," she says. I do as she says and when I open my eyes again, the wall is no longer solid.

Two guards appear blocking the entrance. "State your names and business here" the one on the left says. "My family and I have come seeking refuge. We have left our tribe because my

beloved rejected me. I can no longer live among people that know my shame. My father and

brother have left with me for support. My name is Lily and this is my father Liam and brother Grant." I see sympathy in the guard's eyes.

"I am sorry for the trouble you've had. My daughter lost her beloved and refused to stay with us because it hurt to be here, so I understand. We will take you to a temporary shelter, but you

will need to petition the king to remain in the royal tribe permanently. Which tribe do you come

from?" "The Black Feather Tribe," I say just as Mindy told me. Apparently, that tribe doesn't fall

under King David, so there is no way for him to check our story.

"We will need to check you for any weapons" the other guard says sternly. "Of course," I say handing him my bag. Liam and Grant do the same. Once they're done, we follow them through a stone tunnel and when we step out I feel like the breath is knocked out of me. I've never seen anything like this place. It is a scene right out of a story book. All the buildings are brightly colored and in the distance a large castle towers over the city.

"It's magnificent, isn't it," the kind guard from earlier asks. "It is more beautiful than I ever expected." "Ms. Jenkins will offer you shelter until we can arrange your meeting with the king or one of his ranked members. They can either decide to allow you to stay or help you find a

tribe in the kingdom that will allow you to seek refuge," the guard says.

"Thank you for your kindness."We stop in front of a building that is bright purple and I smile. When we step inside, an older woman greets us. "Who do we have here?" "Ms. Jenkins, these elves are seeking refuge. This is Lily, Liam, and Grant. It seems this beautiful young lady was rejected by her beloved and refuses to remain in her tribe. Her father and brother are showing their support by accompanying her in hopes the king will allow them to remain here," the guard says.

The woman's soft smile and magical aura immediately has Ariel calming down. I'm not sure if it's the magic of this place or just the relief we are finally here, but I'm grateful. "You poor dear. Any man that would reject you must be a complete id**t." "Well, unfortunately, he decided his girlfriend was a better choice than me."I notice Grant shift uncomfortably before I focus back on Ms. Jenkins. I make a note to ask him about his reaction, since the woman seems very kind. 3/4 

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19 The Elven Kingdom

"Well, that's his loss because I can already tell you and I are going to get along like a house on

fire." I can't help the laugh that escapes me. "I think we will too." "Alright, let me show you to

your rooms. I'm sure you must be exhausted after your journey," she says. We follow her up a winding staircase. When she stops in front of the first room, she smiles at Liam. "This is your room handsome." I fight the urge to laugh when Liam's cheeks turn pink. He quickly steps into

his room.

The next room she points to is Grant's. He offers her a kind smile before he pushes open the door. "This room will be yours Lily. After you've rested for a while why don't you come down so we can talk some more about the dope that rejected you," she says. "I would like that, Ms. Jenkins." "None of that. You will call me Myra. I have a feeling you and I are going to become good friends," she says.

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