'Okay, sure, no problem. Isabel took in Kira's nnen varantee and falt lam.
Time To WakeUp
Austy glanced at the sleeping kids, his eyes hath L
He pested blaske and told her about the vile,
Isabel ware under her breath.
As thephus who treated Kira's depression four yves ago, tabel understood, wist-hand knowleder, has traumatie telaud's devel was to her.
Krawould how wasted away the year Justyn disappeared if not for the kids
She spent the next three years busying herself with work and with raising the children, occupying every waking moment so she wouldn't have time to think about her father, to
tubel knew it was develdance, a coping mechanikantor gilet.
She didn't approve, but at least it was better than the alternative of watching Bra sink deeper into the black abyss that was depression.
When Austen returned to Standard, Isabel was both overjoyed and concerned.
Overjoyed that Kira's search had finally yielded by red
Concerned that his peappearance would tripper the scaming trauma buried deep in Hira's memory.
Isabel watched with uneasiness as Austyn regained his memory and reunited with his family.
She had just allowed herself to relax when this happened.
Taking along, concrmed breath, she told us about Kira's depression.
'I'm afraid she's withdrawn into herself, she whispered, ensicus, atraid. "Kira never truly got over her father's death. She only held on to her sanity and maintained a semblance of normality for the sake of the kids Det now. It's a good thing you are back. She needs your help! Austyn nodded, his face grim. "I'll do everythingtean'
Isabel sat on the belt to Fira, watched her friend's star-like posture, and sighed.
Shelled out to her gently, bot Kira did not register her presence.
Isabel held Kira's hand, reassured by its warmth
mura, I know you can hearme. Listen, what happened in the past belongs to the pot. You hune to move on. You have a new life now, with the kids, with Austyn. Don't let yourself be trapped in the past come out, plone! Krashowed no response, as expected.
She was in full catapy, where her body would maintain the position she was arranged in
She wouldn't moneless someone med her.
bed to hold back her personal Belings and assess Kiracinically.
Kurasullered from mitism, negativism and stupor
She did nacrespond to stimuli,even painfulones The being pinched.
Gown what she knew about Kira's past, tabel speculated that the cause for her cats mostly a recurrence of her depressive disorder, with the video as the trigger She would tato kira's doctor tomorrow and arrange for anurolygical examination. If medications didn't work, they might have to consider electroconvulsive day, but Isabel haped Kia would wake up before that
Lucacate over and took label and the kids away
"The kids need a proper bed,' he said when abellased to leave the hospital
1sabel took a leave of abrumer from her work
She showed up at the hospital early the next morning.
Austyn was hoping kira's lace with a wetted towel.
His movements were gentle, as if aid of hurting her.
His were bloodshot, but below the tenderness in them.
The lower part of face was covered by men than a five o'clock shad
He was wearing the same shirt he had on yesterday
it was clear that he never left Kira's bedside the entire night.
Mabel sighed.
She knocked on the open door before walking in
"Kat took the kih in school,' she said..
'I brought you some breakfast." Tubel set down a brown paper bag on a bedside table. 'Thanks."
Dother a high dose of lam," he and in a hoarse veier. "She's not cosponding to medication' hablock in the IV needle stuck in thermook of Kira's left arm. " ver."
Time To Wake up
Austyn wiped Kira's face and hands.
Then he stood up and headed into the bathroom with the towel and washbasin.
Isabel took his place.
Kira's eyes were closed.
"Time to come out of your shell, Kira' Isabel held Kira's wrist. 'You can't keep running away from your problems, like you did four years ago. Jennie cried herself to sleep last night, did you know that? she threw a tantrum this morning, refused to go to school, said she wanted to come here to see you,'
Isabel squeezed Kira's hand. "But how can I let her see you like this? It's only going to make her more scared. Joshua's doing a good job hiding his tear, but I know he's just as frightened. He asked me if you were ever going to wake up. What was I supposed to tell him? Kiralay perfectly still in bed.
If not for the almost imperceptible rise and fall of her chest, she could be mistaken for a corpse.
Isabel cast a look in the direction of the bathroom. 'Austyn's worried about you. So are the kids. So am L. You are not alone anymore, Kira. You don't have to run away or hide. Whatever it is, we can get through this together. Don't torture yourself, okay? Isabel stayed with Kira as a team of neurologists came in to give her another examination.
She read the disappointing news on the doctors' faces before they said anything.
In the afternoon, she had to leave to pick up the kids.
Austin saw her off.
He got into bed next to Kira, his hand on her shoulder.
"Kira, the kids are asking for their mother. What am I supposed to tell them?'
He placed a hand over her chest, feeling her slow, weak heartbeat.
"I'm scared, Kita. The kids are scared, too. I saw the video. But we can get through this together, if you would only give me a chance to."
He buried his head in her short hair, seeking solace in her warmth.
"I know how much the video hurt you 1 know how much you loved your father. I'll get justice for him, I promise. Henry, Gideon, the men who took your father away-I'll hunt down every one of them, and I'll kill them for you. Kiza, I promise they won't get away with murder. But none of that means anything if you are not there to witness it. Come back to me, please."
His tears fell onto her neck, dripping into her collar.
"at that's not enough, voscan come after me, Austyn murmmerdd. 'Twas an accomplice. Before I met you, I wanted to harvest Leland's organs for my nonther I'v Henry to him. I'm responsible. Please, Fire, if you hate me, if you want to kill me, wake up and do it I'll give you the knife, I'll give you the gun, I'll help your poll have to wake up!
He dwhen into his arms, rare to wood touching the needle.
He kept two fingers on her wrist, taking her pulse, needing the resume that her feat was still beating
Hellal, estansted, nighimar Illledsleep, until he felt something stering beside him.
Austyn snapped awake and felt a hand on harm.
He swiched on the bedsble lamp
Kina's eyes shone in the yellow light.
They were open.
And they were looking right at
"ral' Austyn's heart thumped with joy, 'Can you hear me?
He wreed a hand in front other Lace
Her eyes tracked his movement
He saw tears flowing down her check.
she moved her head and gave him a barely noticeable ned,
He reached for the call button
"Gideon..." Her vore was a hoarse whisper.
"I know, I know." Austyn patted her hand, placating, 'I saw the video. 1'll track him down. I'll kill him, I promise." Hemurdered my father!
tears and hamed.
Kira stared at the ceiling, her eyes filled with tears
"I knew. I'll kill him. I will
Austyn looked into her eyes and made a sole pro
Isabel got the good news the next morning
She sped to the hospital after dropping the kids off at school.
Kira still appeared sluggish and sickly, but she was definitely awake and alert.
"Thank god you are awake. You've been out for the days. The kids are getting frightened."
Get Cashed across Kira's eyes. I know, I'm sorry"
What are you apologising for? tabel squeezed her hand. "They are just worried about you 'Thank you for taking care of them."
'No problem'
"Can they stay with you for a while longer?"
'Sure. Why, though?
Kira shifted her gaze away. "The doctors said I may have to stay in the hospital for a few more days."
'Okay, sure. Fil bring them by this adterngon,
"No. I don't want them to see me like this. I'll. I'll see them soon, when I get better,"
Isabel sighed and relented.
Austyn returned to the word alter tabellell, bearing a tray of food.
draforced herself teaten though she could tastenothing
"Have you found Gideon? She sat up in bed, pupped by two pillows behind her back.
she knew Austyn had stopped away to
hour call
Austin's eyes were downcast. 'I'm still working on it'
He set Kal and Hyan to ask around and knock on doors, but Standed one had more than renty-six million people, not to mention uhlana, Gident's home base Loca pitched in with his police soLTAL
Basin tried to reach out in Damian, but he was out of contact, probably may on another overseas mission.
Clean hak menry and contortions and wiles.
Herould be hiding anywhere
Unknown Caller
All Austyn knew for sure at the moment was that Gideon was still definitely in the country.
Kira gripped the blanket. 'Did you get in touch with Gwen? She and Gideon go way back. Maybe he went to her.!
Austyn nodded. 'Thave thought of that. Gwen's back in Rinion. I've got men taling her. If Gideon shows up anywhere near her, I'll Imow,"
He was keeping another possibility to himsell-Gideon could already be dead.
The man held incriminating evidence against plenty of the city's rich and powertol, who would have spared no effort in making sure Gideon could not speak up against them.
Austyn had men checking the city more every day, waiting to hear the news of an unidentified corpse getting fishedout of the river
But so far, nothing
Kira flung the blanket aside and tried to get out of bed.
"What are you doing?" Austyn placed a restraining hand on her shoulder.
"I want to checkout'
""But the doctors sad-
"I don't care what the doctors said!" Kira yelled. "Twant to leave the hospital, now!"
Austin was stunned by her sudden outburst.
Realising that, Kira softened her voice, pleading. "I don't want to stay here anymore. I hate hospitals. I want to go home. Please, Austyn, take me home."
He stared foxedly at her for a long while.
He arranged for Kira's discharge with his usual brisk efficiency
Half an hour later, Kira stood on the front steps of the hospital's entrance, scanning the anonymous crowd.
Audrove her home
"I want to see the kids," she said as Austyn fucked her into bed.
"They are at school
"I want to see them now
Austyn checked the time.
School would be out in another forty minutes.
He was reluctant to leave Kira's bedside. 'I'll get Kal to pick them up!
"No. You should go. The kids are scared. They'd better when they see you
Kira brought Austyn's hand up to her face and kissed it. I'll be fine
She nodded. "I just stay home and wait for yo
[ you"
"Okay" Austyn relented "Don't go anywhere' '1 promise!
Kira locked the door after Auslyn left
got dressed, headed into the kitchen, found what she needed, stuffed it into her pants pocket. Then she sat, staring at her phone, waiting
Kira looked at the screen which said "Unknown caller, but of course, she knew who was calling.
She answered the phone "Gideon."
*Kira, how are you feeling"
just got out of the hospital, but I'm sure you already knew that'
Kira gripped her phone.
She heard blood pounding in her ears.
Gideon paused, then he chuckled "Right, I do know. But how did you know?
The Fatal Meeting
The Fatal Meeting
'You palony to keep tabs on me at work, Kira said. "Stands to reason that you do the same thing after I left Globe Today"
Kiranewadon would never give up on her, no matter how many times she spumed him.
She couldn't see the man or the woman lurking in the shadows, but she just knew that Gideon had someone following her around.
which was why she stood outside the hospital entrance for a full ten minutes, giving her stakker a full view.
As expected, Gideon's call came soon afterwards.
"What happened? Are you okay?
""You don't
'I don't. Should
why I ended up at the hospital?"
Kira answered his question with one of her own. "Where are you right now?!
Is the call on speakerphone" Gideon asked. 'Is Austyn standing right next to you? Or the police? Are they tracing the call?
"No."To convince him, she switched to videochat. Tat home, alone."
"Kina, you've lost weight" Gideon examined her gant face onscrEETI
He sounded concerned
'Tintine" Kira took in Gideon's empt appearance.
Her eyes widened when she recognised the background.
'Ah, I see you know where I am, Gideon said as he reached out a hand to touch her face screen.
'Stay there. I'm coming to you."
Are you bringing the police with you?
'I'm not, I promise Kira shot to her feet. If you don't believe me, keep the videochaton!
She let the apartment with just her phone and her wallet, and the thing in her pants pocket, keeping Gideon on the
She jumped into the first tax that stopped.
Twenty minunes later, she was dropped off at the Restlaum Cemetery and Columbarium Complex, her father's final resting place.
"Where are you?" She held up her phone.
Gideon gave her instructions for directions
She was lived when she saw him standing in front of a nameless grave
She did not want to see him anywhere near her father.
Kahung up the phone and walked up to him.
It was mid-afternoon, but the cemetery was shrouded in eternal darkoseL
Gideon's face was hidden in the shadows as he stood under a yew tree.
'Hello, Kira'
His cheeks were sunken.
His hair was a mess, but his eyes retained the sharp, calculating, manic gint that Kira was so lamiker with
Kira stopped three metres in front of him.
Gideon smiled as he closed the distance. I'm surprised you want to see me."
He frowned when he took in her pasty.complexion. "You don't look so well
Kirasaw him checking behind her. "Don't worry, I didn't call the police or tell anyone you are here!
Gideon smiled. "It's not that i don't trust you. I don't trust Austyn. You know he wants me dead!
So do 1,' thought
"Aren't you curious to know why I wanted to see you?" she said instead.
"Isn't it because you miss me?
He flasheder another smile
Thesesmie that used to make her heart flutter
The same smile that used to make her think, he was the most handsome boy in the entire school.
Kira stared at Gideon's hollow-cheeked face and saw the boy she first met on the street eleven years ago.
It'she had known everything that would happen later, would she still take him home?
"Kirara?" Gideon waved hand in front of her face. "What's wrong?"
Kirblinked and brought her mind back to the present
She looked at her father's murderer, the man she used to love.
The something to show you.' She removed her phone, clicked on a file and handed the phone to him
drock II,wany. "What is it?
The Fatal Meeting
'You paid Rony to keep tabs on me at work," Kira said. "Stende de mason that you'll do the same thing after Left Globe Today"
Kknew Gideon would never ghee up on her, na mater how many tin
She couldn't see the mud or the womanhuking
be shadows, but sher just
ow that Gideon hal someone following her around.
which was why she stood outside the hospital entrance for a full ten mäures, għang ber stalker a full vorm.
As expected, Gideon's call came soon allowanbu
"What happened? Are you okay?
"You don't know why ended up at the hospital?
1 don't. Should I
Kira answered his question with one of her own. "Where are you right now?
"Is the call on speakerphone?" Okden asked. "Is estyn standing right next to your the police? Are they tracing the cal
"No 'To comince him, she switched to videochat, "I'mat hume, done;"
*Kia, you'lasi wright Gideen examined hergantie onscreen.
He saided concerned.
Tifine' Stratoch in didiva's unkempt appearamer,
Her eyes widened when she reca gilsed thebackground.
"Ah, I see you knowhere tam, Gideon said as he reached out and touch her face ensemen.
"Stay there. I'm coming to see you
"We you bringing the police with you?"
I'm not, I promise Hirashot to her feet 'If you don't bellewe me, keep the wideschut on."
She let the apartment with just her phone and her wallet, and the thing in her pants pocket, keeping Gideon the in
She jumped into the firsttal that stopped.
Twenty minutes later, she was dropped off at the Restlawn Conelery and Columbarium Complex, her father's finalresting place.
"Where are you?" She held up her phone.
Gideon gree her instructions for directions.
She was relieved when she saw him standing in front of a nameless point.
She did not want to see him anywhere near her the
Kinabung up the phone and walked upto him.
twsold-diemoon, but the cemetery was shrouded in eternal darkness.
Gideon's face was hidden in the shadows as he stood under a yet free,
His chocks weresunken
His hair was a mess, but his eyes stained the sharp, calculating, manic glint that was so familiar with
Kastopped three metres in front of him.
donmiled as he closed the distance. T'm surprised you want I see mur,
He drowned when he took in her party complexion. "Youdon't look so
Kira saw him checking behind her. 'Don't worry. I didn't call dhe police or tell anyone you are here.'
Giden smird's not that I don't trust you. I don't trust Austyn. You know he wants me dead!
"Aren't you curs to know why I wanted to see you?" she sold instead
Henheder another smile.
The same smile that used to make her heart flutes.
The same sinile that unl to make her think, be was the most handsome boy in the entire school
Krastared at Olden's hollow-choked face and saw the boy she first met on the sine eleven yous ap
If she had known everything that would huppen later, would she still säelim bane?
"Kara calon waved a hand in front of her lace. "What's weg?
Klinkend brought her mind back to the present
She looked her ther's underce, the man she used to love.
The something to show you' she removed her phone, cliched on a file and handed thephone to han
Glen fork, mary, "What is 117
The Fatal Meetina
His gaze travelled downwards to the screen, then it froze,
He watched himself walk to Leland's ward, saw his hand move upwards to plug the breathing tube, saw himself standing there, motionless, as Leland gasped for his last
His hands shook Kira, I can explain...
"No Kirashook her head
Her voice was deadly calm
Her eyes were dry.
Thave been such an idiot."
She remained unmoved when Gideon grabbed her hand.
'I can
'Twas so, so stupid. She stared into space. "I thought you were just a little obsessed with me. I tolerated it, tolerated you. Austyn and I fought because of you. He couldn't stand how indulgent I was being towards you You are just lonely, I told myself'
Gideon felt his blood turn into ice at her words..
She wasn't looking at him.
She spoke in a low, slow monotone, devoid of emotions.
'Even after I stopped loving you, I never stopped being fond of you. You were my brother. You gave me four of the best years of my life. Dad was often away. You were there for me for everything. You picked me up after I fell. You walked me home when I was lonely. You
sang me to sleep when I was afraid of the thunderstorm.
We can still have that, Kiral' Gideon's heart was filled with dread. 'Come with me. We can start over!!
"I thought you were my friend, my family. Even after everything you did to hurt me, I made excuses for you. You were just lonely, I said to myself. You had no one else in your life. You only cling to me because you were afraid of being alone. I was all the family you had
She shifted her unfocused gaze to him. "Is that why you tried to kill my babies? is that why you murdered my father? You couldn't stand the tact that I have other people in my life You want me all to yoursel
Gideon nodded. "I do. I want you. You belong with me."
'So you killed my father,"
"No, Kira, I didn't. Leland was He was never going to wake up anyway. He
Gideon looked down when he felt a blast of cold in his abdomen.
Then came the searing pain.
Red seeped out slowly from the wound where Kira stabbed him with a fruit knife, staining his shin, his coat, his hands
Attempted Murder, interrupted
Gideon staggered backwards.
Kira's face remained impassive as she pushed the ke all the way in, burying its hilt into his stomach.
Blood gushed out, spreading, weakening, carrying heat and life out of his body.
Bra's hands shock.
Her knees almost buckled.
Gideon saw Bertor in her eyes.
Hesmiled weekly. 'Fira " "Dust don't come any close!"
Kira's eyes were wide open with shock
The knife was still buried in his stomach.
Her hands were wet and slick with blood.
His blood.
It was warrn, alckeningly so.
Kira retched.
"It's akorp! Gideon moved cloare. 'It's a normal reaction. This is your first time stabbing someone, right?"
ira shuddered at the calmness in his voice.
He pulled out the knife and tossed it aside with a cold-blooded nonchalance, paying no attention to the blood that was still squirting out.
"It's okay. I'm not blaming you." He held her hands, covered in blood. "You picked the wrong spot, kira."
He guided her limp hands to his stomach. A stab here will hurt, debilitate, but it will not kill. Iwon't die, Kira. It's just a flesh wound.
a's throat went dry
He caressed her face, smudging her cheeks with blood. "It's okay. You just need practice. I'll teach you how to kill someone with one stab,! Kir heard his devilish whisper and couldn't bele her ears.
Her mind had shut down to protect her against the horror of realising she'd just stabbed someone with the intent to kill
She'd just become a murderer, a fated one, but still a murderer.
"Why shemumered. 'Why are doing this?"
'Because I want you, Gideon mums red.
He ran a hand lovingly over her pale face. Because I
He loved her with an all-consuming passion, with a driving obsession.
she was his everything.
He wanted her all to himselt
Things like family and friends and work and babies were a distraction
They distracted her way from him.
Which was why they had to go.
Gideon tolerated the twins existence because Kira would have collapsed without them.
Eventually, he grew to like them, even showered them with gifts and fake affection,
But not a day went by without him wishing they were never born.
He was patiently biding his time, waiting for Kira to realise that they were lated to be together
He sent flony to work alongside her, not so much to keep tabs on her as to chase away any potential sultors.
He didn't want any other man to discover how special she was.
Leland was like a father Doce to him, sure, but Leland was also taking up a lot of Kira's time.
The man's medical bill were what drove Kira to marry Busty in the first place.
If Leland had died at
the scene of his car accident, Kira would not meet Austyn, would not marry him, would not fall for him.
Guden just did what be should have done year ago.
When he pulled the plug on Deland's lile support system, he was thinking-
-one less distraction for her.
He thought he was kiling two birds with one stone-Hira would be relieved of the burden of hiring to take care of a vegetative father, and she would grow to hate Austyn and Henry for Taking Leland's organs.
The first goal was accomplished, but the second wat
ra hated Henry, but she didn't hate Austy
Gidros prashed his terili
Abempted Muadet, Interueted
Austyn McCarthy was the last obstacle he had to overcome.
Austyn was dead, Kira would return to him.
She had to
'Kira.' Gideon touched her face.
she collapsed to the floor.
""Come with me.' He bent down to pick her up
That was when he heard the whoosh right over his head.
Half a second later, a tombstone behind him exploded.
'Get down!" Gideon threw himself over her body, shielding her from the next shot.
Kira was tackled to the ground, having the wind knocked out of her
'Let go of me!' She screamed, thrashing violently.
'Shh 'Gideon pinned her in place. "Don't move."
He ignored the throbbing pain in his stomach as blood pumped out from the open wound. "Someone's here.'
He raised his head and risked anoveldrama
Before he could identity the shooter, another bullet zinged over him.
Gideon kept his head down, grabbed Kira's waist and rolled.
The darkness and scattered tombstones provided cover, for now.
He scrambled to his feet, bent at the waist and crab-walked towards the nearest tombstone, dragging Kira with him.
"We have to get out of here."
Kira's senses returned long enough for her to register what was happening.
She tossed a panicked look over her shoulder and spotted three men sprinting this way, guns dram
*Kira, run!' Gideon clasped her wrist and started running
Kira tried her best to keep up, stumbling over the uneven ground.
Jennie's and Joshua's faces flashed before her eyes.
She couldn't die here
She had to go
home to her kids.
Kira gritted her teeth and picked up her pace
Austyn tried to ignore
the funny feeling in his heart as he drove to the kindergarten
The sun was out, yet he felt chilly inside the car
The air was stilling and made difficult to draw breath.
Austyn strapped both kids in and sped his way home
He called Ryan on the way.
'Are you at the apartment?"
He'd texted Ryan when he left the house, asking him to come over to keep an eye on Kira.
'Not yet. Just left a meeting with a contact. No news about Gideon Gamer. I'm on my way to the apartment. What's wrong?"
"Just get there, fast. Astyn hung up and accelerated.
He got there before Rywn
When he unlocked the front door, he was greeted by an ominous silence.
With a sinking feeling Austyn dashed into the bedroom.
It was
So was the bathroom
He came back out, hands shaking.
I Won't Let You Die
'Daddy?" Jennie stood in the living room, rubbing her sleep-filled eyes. You said you had a surprise for us What is it?
Austyn had wanted to prise the kid with Pura's retum.
even "Sorry, honey, the surprise is gone."
Heclosed the bedroom door and fought to keep his voice even
Jennie pouted. "Can we
go visit Mummy at the hospital?
Austyn bent down to hug the little girl Mommy needs to rest. Doctors said she shouldn't be disturbed"
He tumed on the TV.
'Why don't you watch some cartoon while I get started on diener?"
Joshua looked up at him.
Austyn saw concem in the boy's era.
He squeezed Joshaw's shoulder. "Keep your sister company, will you? Daddy has things to do?
He went into the kitchen, polled the door shut, called Kira's phone.
When she didn't pick up, he switched on the tracking app
Abinking red dot indicated Kira's location
Austyn stared at the map onscreen.
What was she doing at the cemetery?
Hecalled Ryan, who picked up after one sing
Austyn left the kitchen and opened the door for Than. 'Stay with the kids,'
are you
sprinted into the lin before its doors slid shot.
Kira felt as it her lungs would explode.
She stumbled, fell, scraped her knees, cut her hands on a rock, but had to pick herself up and keep running
whooshed pasther
Shed Wood and mud
The cemetery was now completely shrouded in darkness, which worked to their advantage.
Gideon never loosened his grip on her wrist
as they tripped and staggered
Kira had no idea where they were right now.
They were still somewhere inside the cemetery, but the tombstones were getting mare chipped and weather-beaten.
The ground grew more uneven.
The weeds were Laber.
sirapanted and heard nothing but her own laboured breathing.
Gideon tackled her to the ground when another bullet zipped past overhead.
'Don't move!' be hissed, pricking up his ears to listen for the sound of footsteps.
There were at least four, tree men after them.
Gideon had noise to guess who sent them.
He knew he'd made plenty of enemies in the past four years.
that his company was brought down, they were afraid he would drag them down with him...
Kita lay on her back and felt the jagged edge of a rock cutting into her flesh.
She had no idea who tried to kill them.
after Gideonor her?
The only one she know who would be capable of something like this was Henry McCarthy.
Thinking of him, Mira forced herself to sit up
shestruggled to her feet.
What are you doing?
She jerked her hand free of Gidren's grasp. I'm not staying here with you"
"They are right in front!"
Kūra heard a mun's shooting, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps...
Gideon grabbed her had. Come with me.'
Jha was den fired to put up a struggle as she let herself be hauled along
They had felt the cemetery grounds and were heading deeper to a patch of dense woods.
I Wont Let You Die
The trees with thick follage blocked out the last of the daylight and offered much-needed cover.
Kira bit back a moan as she belsted her ankle on a protruding rock.
pursuers were relentless.
could hear men's voices shouting
no idea where she was going or how the chase would end.
She wondered ifestyn had found out she was missing.
Would he come looking for her?
He would, of course
A glimmer of hope came into her eyes when she recalled the tracking app he installed on her phone, but it was soon extinguished when she realised where her phone was
It was left at the gravesite where Gidron tossed it away.
be able
to track
from there?
prayed fervently for Austyn to findber.
She did not regret coming here to see Gideon-she wanted to kill him.
That determination had not changed.
But she wished she'd brought something bigger than a fruit knife to a gunfight
Kira heard
Gideon's ragged breathing and smelled blood on him.
She wished she'd twisted the knife in deeper.
Soon, they
ran out of road
Gideon pulled up abruptly at the edge of acliff.
He spam
around, shielding Kira with his
Three men emerged from the woods, guns drawn Two of them pointed their weapons at Gideon.
The third was covering Kira.
Fra stood on the edge of the precipitous cliff, her heart filled with despair.
Gideon still kept his vice-like grip on her wrist as he faced down the men,
Less than three kilometres away Austyn picked up Kira's phone, hidden among the overgrown weeds in front of a nameless grave.
Behind him, Kal and two bodyguards swept their flashlights over the ground.
That was when Austyn saw the
He picked it up, recognising the pink plastic handle.
Kira kept the fruit knife in a cupboard in the kitchen, out of the kids' reach.
Why did she bring it here?
Austyn's pupils constricted when he saw blood on the blade.
Boss, they are headed that way." Hai shone the flashlight on a trail of trampled grass.
Austyn pushed the panic out
his heart and followed his assistant
'Mr Garner, the man in the lead said. 'Youneed to come with us.
"Who sent you?"
'You'll find out soon enough."
'ow what you want, Gideon snarled at them. 'Lean give it to you, but you'll have to let her go."
The man shook his head. "You know that's not gonna happen. She's a witness"
other two men.
He gestured at the
The trio advanced,
Gideon turned to look at Hire, 'Do you trust me
She said nothing, her eyes trained on the gun barrels pointed her way.
didn't see the smile on Caron's face
The next thing she knew, she was flying through the air, falling backwards over the clit with Gideon's and around her waist. Me screamed.
Two Months
Two Months
"The man in the Inad rushed forward and took will shots into the dark
Kha's scream pierced the still night and reached Austyn's ears,
"Stop!" Austyn rabed a hand.
His heart almost stopped when he heard multiple gunshots.
"This way!' he started cunning
Kai and the
bodyguards followed close on his heels.
Austyn had never nun so fast in his life, but he was still too late
He arrived at the cliffside finding nothing but spent shell casings and a shoe
Kira's shoe.
Austyn held the trainer in his hand
He looked into the dark abyss..
Then he started walking.
"Boss, mal" Kai grabbed Austyn's shoulder, hauling him back.
He was afraid of letting go of Austin, who was heading straight for the edge of the clif
"Kira's fine. She has to be. We'll look for her. We will Boss, don't do this. Think of your kids!"
Austyn stopped string
Kalberthed out but kept his hold on Austyn.
The search west on throughout the night
Luca came with a team of police officers
In the next three days, they combed through the streets of Stanford, checking every hotel, hostel bed & breakfast, hospital.
Austyn put up a million dollar reward for information on Kira Gideon Garner
He knew the last call on Kira's phone came from Gideon
Austyn bed himself.
he'd stayed with Kira.
Il only he'd kept a closer watch on her.
He knew she wanted Gideon drad.
He shouldn't have left her alone in the apartment
Heswallowed the fear and regret and kept leaking.
Isabel took the kids to her house, doing her best to hide the news of Kira's disappearance from them
Austmane and drink nothing for three days as he worked the clues, took phonecalls and searched the cemeteryagain
He collapsed seventy-two hours
der Kira went mixing,
He woke up in the hospital with an needle stuck to the back of his left hand.
Kajwas doing off in a chair next to
the bed.
"Get me food, Austyn said.
He already made one Like when he left Kiraalne.
He couldn't attard to make another
Austyn ferred himself to eat,
Luca brought him news in the
He showed a photo to
It www.scceengrab
to regain enough energy so he could continue the search for Kira
Austyn. Take a lank'
taken from a security camera footage.
Austyn recogeband Gideon's stubbled face, though a large part of it was hidden under a black cap.
Didon's head was lowered.
He was pushing a wheelchair with a woman in it.
Her face was hidden behind a black scarf, her body covered with a blanket.
Austyn's hands book as he recognked Kira.
"Where is this?"
Train station, south side of the city. Almost no one goes there anymore after a newer, bigger station was built twenty blocks away. "When was this taken?""
checking on that. They would need an IC if they bought a long-distance ticket. But I wouldn't put it past Gideon to use a fake one."
"Seventeenly this evening, bill an hour ago."
'Did they get on a
'I've got my
Austyn stated at the photo.
a wheelch
Was she hurt or
Was she
with Gideon?
If Luca's men could find them, then so could the people who wanted Gideon dead.
his feet.
"Hey." Luca blocked his path. "Jesse said you needed to rest. At least wait till your IV bottle's empty"
Austyn took a deep breath, remained
where he was
'Don't worry. I'll update you as soon as my men find something. The photo's good news, right? At least it proves Kira's still alive."
Austyn watched the slow drip of the clear liquid in the plastic tube, drumming an impatient finger on his knee
'She's still in danger. There are men after Gideon. She's not safe with him"
Loca thrust his hands into his pants pockets, 'I know, but the search can't be rushed
The train station was old
would take time to comb
small, but it still provided tides to at least half a dozen cities, with a daily ridership in the tens of thousands.
through the security camera footage.
But neither Lucanor Austyn
Two months later.
anticipated just how long the search would take
For left Stamford in the autumn and arrived in ham in the spring.
The city in the tropics was hot and humid all year round, em with December just around the corner.
Kira was sweating in her short-sleeved t-shirt and cotton shorts.
She sat in the wheelchair, looking out at the hustle and bustle in the street below, and wondered if it was snowing in Stamford.
She wondered what Joshua and Jennie were doing
It would be their birthday in another two months.
Would she be there
when they turned four?
She wondered what story Austyn made up to explain her disappearance.
The kids had been
through so
They lived the first
years of their lives without a father, and now they were deprived of their mother
Kira was still lost
thought when somehal came into the room, bearing a tray of food.
"Miss Hewitt.
She paid him no attention.
Somchal, used to her attitude, came over to the window and pushed her wheelchair back to the table
"Time for lunch.
Kira stared at the eighteen-year-old boy with swarthy skin and pearly white teeth.
She touched her right leg.
It was broken two months ago, when Gideon dived off the cliff with her
Gideon got her medical attention, but she had not been able to stand up since
Somchal was a local, hiced to take care of her and, Kira suspected, prevent her from running away.
Can't Let Her Go
"I added some chill,' Somchal said as he laid out the dishes. Hope you have a better appetite than last time
Nica took the proffered fork, stabbed at the curried cubes of chicken, picked up one, chew it mechanically.
Somchai frowned. Is the food not to your liking?"
He took a lot of pride in his cooking.
More importantly, Mr Garner would firehim if he couldn't get Miss Hewill to eat.
Kira forced hersell to swallow. 'It's fine.'
She saw concern in the boy's eyes
She wondered what jennie and joshua were evning.
She had yet to gher the spicy food.
would like it
she liked anything as long as it had meat int
Kira shovelled another fordul of the food in her mouth, testing none of it.
The weather was hot, the air stifling
Seruchai cleared away the dishes, then came back to let her into bed
Thank you!
He nodded and gave a bashful smile, before closing the door gently on his way out.
Krstared at the ceiling fan, whose Blades whirled hypnotically.
She drifted off to sleep, and dreamed of what happened two months ago.
She thought she was plunging to her death as Gideon grabbed her waist and jumped off that clit
But they hit a body of water below.
she cut her thigh on a piece
It bled so much, she passed
of pedrock
Gideon must have dragged her onto the shore
She woke up in the back of a car.
Gideon was driving.
He didn't take her to a hospital.
Martin, Gideon's right-hand man, west out and bought medical supplies.
The bleeding stopped, but Kastarted running a high fever that night.
She became delirious, drifted in and out of consciousness.
In the few moments she was awake, she
He wanted to lene her there
overheard Martin arguing with Gidron.
said she was a bude, but adeon refused,
Diden went out, came back with a doctor who gave
Her fever went away eventually, but she
was still too weak to be moved
She woke upon the third day to see dideon packing up their stuff.
She had no idea where she was,
It was a windowless room with unprinted, concrete walls.
Gideon had his back to her.
She crawled out of bed, tried to reach the door, but tideon heard her.
'Let me go!
"No." Gideoned her up in his arms. "I can't ever let you go, Kira.!
When she wouldn't stop struggling, he knocked her out
He led her sleeping pills as he transported her to the train station, which was nothing but a misdirection.
Odeon didn't take the train
Kira woke up in a small cabin
The rocking motions told her she was on a ship.
'We are
a container ship' Gideon lay next to her on the small bunk. "Austyn's sint, but he's one step behind'
He had to abandon the safe house blind mental hospital when the police came around, asking questions
don't worry, he won't find us once we are out of the country." Gideon led Kira some water
Ke knocked the bottle
Gideon simply get another. 'You have not had anything to eat or drink for two days.
Cant Let Her Go
Kira had no idea how long she stayed on that ship.
Gideon would disappear from time to time, but he would always assign someone to watch over her.
Martin didn't bother to hide his imitation whenever he saw Kira.
She tried running away, but
was too weak to support any walk longer than two minutes.
She forced herself to eat and
but strength
never returned to her.
It was only weeks later she
that Gideon
had drugged her food and water.
"It doesn't have any side effects,' he said. 'It's
to keep you from hurting yourself'
Kira cursed him, yelled at him, struck him with her
Then she begged him, went on hunger strikes, threatened to take her own life.
But Gideon never budged.
The ship made multiple ports of call until it eventually docked at a maritime city.
Gideon transferred her to a car and drove into a town, where they had been staying for the past three weeks.
He showed no signs of leaving and hired a local boy to look after her.
Kira dreamed of the twins every night.
She saw Austyn's face, wondered how he was doing, if he was still looking for her, if he wa..grieving,
'Austyn... she murmured and shifted in her sleep, feeling a source of warmth close to her
She snuggled up to it, resting her check against a strong, muscular chest.
The next second, she snapped awake
She tried to struggle out of his hold,
both arms locked around her waist.
'Let go of me!" She sank her teeth into his forearm.
Gideon winced in
She shoved him hard
and scooted away, falling off the narrow cat onto the concrete floor.
Gideon swing his legs over
the bed, came to stand over her,
He yanked her to
dragged her back onto the bed, pinned her under his arms, then he forced a kiss on her.
Kira bit down on his lips, drawing blood
He reared back, anger flashing across his eyes.
raised to deliver a punishing smack, from when he saw the tears in her eyes.
Pain shot through her right thigh.
Kira choked back asob.
She refused to show weakness in front of him.
With a sigh, Gideon straightened up, berping his distance. 'Don't do that again. If you keep hurting yourself like this, your wound will never heal. You don't want to end up a cripple, do you?
Kira looked a
away from him
She'd rather be a cripple, even a quadriplegic, if it meant she could get away from him.
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